Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Formidable Collection

A young man writes in Action #297 (February 1963):

560 different Superman family comics may not sound like a lot these days, but back then this was very impressive.  First, I estimate that there were about 960 comics featuring Superman/Superboy or his friends, so it's almost 60% of the total.  Second, this was before there were comics shops, before there were the yellow-colored ads offering back issues for sale.  I'm sure that Ward had to scrounge everywhere to find that many comics featuring the Man of Steel.

I checked ahead in the next few issues and didn't see anybody writing in to claim they had topped his total.


  1. I think "Ward Dean" might have been Warren Buffett's pen name.

  2. It was unheard of in those days. I wonder if he's still alive and and kept collecting through his lifetime.
